Monday, February 22, 2016

Thy Catafalque - Tűnő Idő Tárlat (2004/2010)

Thy Catafalque are, in my opinion, the shining example of avant-garde metal. Nothing here is conventional and at times, this is hardly even metal. "Csillagkohó" kicks things off with the sound of howling wind before buzzing tremolo riffs appear and cut through like giant sheets of ice, but this is no typical black metal record. There are spacey synths, industrial soundscapes, drum n bass beats, Hungarian folk influences, and even some orchestral sections. There's more of an emphasis here on artistic expression than there is on being ~kvlt~. Thy Catafalque operates mostly as a one-man band with the addition of a few guest musicians on strings. This is avant-garde metal at its finest. Download for free on Bandcamp. -N


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